B. S. Rathore is the Founder & Director Of Autowaves, a leading automotive service provider in the region, with support for full scale servicing all under one roof. He has 18+ years of experience in automobile sector, he worked for ICICI Lombard General Insurance company as motor Claims-manager. He also worked for TOYOTA, SUZUKI DEALER and CARNATION AUTO INDIA. Today we got a chance to interview him, let’s know more about him & learn from his experiences.
We hope this can inspire you to become a successful person too! It is worth listening to a successful entrepreneur or to people who share their success stories. We can significantly learn many things from the experiences of them, by listening to their story.
Excerpts from our exclusive interview with him:
Q1) Tell us a little bit about your start up and your journey, please ?
My Name is B.S. Rathore. My Birthplace Ajmer on 4th February 1982. I am from a good family background in which my father is from Government Job in Agriculture sector and my mother is a housewife. We are two siblings, one brother, and one sister. One sister is also a housewife. One brother is me I done my schooling at this D.A.V School Ajmer in Science (Maths) field and done collaging from Government Engineering college Ajmer in the mechanical engineering field and take a further specialization in this field only by doing automobile engineering course.

Then do the job in the mechanical engineering field from 2005 to 2016 around 12 years do job and work always at higher posts in which salary package was too good according to my need only and I always fulfill my boss requirements then-boss fulfill my salary requirements and provide all facilities and from doing the job I learn everything how to do work, management, increase knowledge and develop own company. I always believe to work like a boss of a company then do work according to that an I give my best as thinking I am the owner then how best I can do my work innovatively, creatively, effectively and efficiently.
Before work firstly I make plans then do work. Then only I am able to complete more work in less time. And in every company, I work like a boss and always think this is my company what unnecessary expenses not done and how to run business to earn more profit by satisfying customer needs.
Then in 2016 only, I quit the job in which I am a very good post then also I quit because at the level in job more growth not able to achieve so, my energy I want which come out my skills, innovations, strength is not coming out in job properly. So I stop my legs and I think about myself first clearly what I want to do and clear analyzation of me then I come to one point was that I want to start my company in which I am the real owner of my company not imaginary owner. Then I start thinking 24*7 about my company in my mind. And make thinking in process day by day manually.
Q2) How did the idea for your business /start up come about ?
By my interest in the automobiles industry so I analysis yourself in which line I have an interest and I adopt mechanical engineering field, and go on this line in which firstly studied then do the job and learn everything and earn money and experience both because from my childhood I want to do something special and unique. And from doing the job I not able to visualize my growth. I want more Expansion and Growth in market value. So in 2017, I started my company in automobile car repairing and servicing solution company. Then I decided the name of the company by making use of automobile word only take an auto from automobile and add additional word waves after auto. So company name came out auto plus waves – “AUTOWAVES” auto means automobile and waves means waves that means whenever we talk about automobile sector, there are waves and waves of Autowaves Company only. In which we provide Multi Brand Car Service and Repairing Solution.
Q3) What was your key driving force to become an entrepreneur ?
To expose out my creativity and remove the gap between customers and garages. And I realize car customer they are not satisfied. So we start our new concept to satisfy customer need. Creativity has to come out. It is necessary for us. Then I decided to release my energy by building my own company and everyday work hard and I don’t want to become old at one place on office job chair.
Q4) How did you come up with the name for your business /start up ?
Build Name Of Company first by automobile word only i.e., AUTOWAVES Company. Firstly make a concept then sell it then in the market it gets purchased then we retain it. And from this process work started and we start earning and growing. We have no Garage, no Mechanic only knowledge, learning, and experience play a wider role.
“Creativity have to do Something Special in life” this thought only come me at this platform today.
Then Make concept , Garages which are unorganized then also give car services and repairing so make it organized by giving knowledge, training and business model to them. The gap between company and unorganized garage try to remove and fulfil that gap according to that i make concept and implement.
Later on Bhavpreet Singh Soni Founder of Sonisvision helps me a lot to get my name registered.
Now Autowaves is a registered trademark.

Q5) What service(s) or product(s) do you offer/manufacture ?
We offer services on Multi Brand Car Services and Solutions. Basically, we’re giving Franchise on Business Model of Autowaves Company of Multi Brand Car Servicing and Solutions. In Franchise, we give Business plan, Technical knowledge, Operation knowledge, Training, Marketing concept, Customer demand, Market Resources, Management and Team Handling.
In training, we give software knowledge and how to run a business successfully by satisfying customer needs on a priority basis. We provide branding, software, material, uniform, etc.
Q6) Why should people choose your product /services ?
We have deeply knowledge of business model, expert and good experience of 18 years in automobile field. And our main priority is customer satisfaction. And we provide multi brand car servicing at one place with proper cleanliness and best services.
Q7) How do you market your business and which tactics have been most successful ?
We firstly believe only in satisfying customer needs and demand and take reference from them only to market our business. Customer Satisfaction plays a bigger role in a successful business. And we give quality in our car services to the customer, so customer gets attracted towards us, and always in contact with us. And taking good services of a car and more benefits
Q8) What Risks are you facing ?
No, risk are facing. Zero risk, because my confidence level is this type of nothing I have taken as a risk in life.
“Business do as a Job
Job do as a Business”
Then nothing is a risk in life its my personal experience of whole life

Q9) Did Pandemic (Covid 19) affected your business ? If yes how ?
Yes, Pandemic (COVID-19) affected my business.
Franchise network expansion in other countries like Gujarat, Madhya Pradesh (MP), etc.Not able to carrack because of covid not able to go outside and circulate.
Customer also cant able to visit and meet with us that loss also suffer.
Not able to give salary to employees timely give afterwards after lockdown. Vendor payments also not deliver on time.
Q10) Have you considered any alliance /partnership /funding ?
No, I have experienced, confidence, and proper knowledge about funding. By doing the job in various companies I always thinking about my own company since 2012. So, planning was going in my mind for a long time approx. 4 years .then in this years I plan all if /buts negative /positive all points and take knowledge and solution to overcome that points with the job. So, don’t need the extra help from anyone and any partner because I myself am a partner of mine. But my mind and my soul is my biggest partner always 24*7. Always available for me.
Itself I am a Self Confident, Self Driven, Self Respect, Self Owner, Self Creativity.
Always use innovative ideas in innovative style.
Currently, we plan for funding for our venture, and in this Bhavpreet Singh Soni is helping us to prepare the documents so that we can raise funds from the investor.
Q11) What are your responsibilities as the business owner ?
Responsibilities as a business owner :
- Team handling
- Team Motivation
- Goal Achievements
- Coordination in Team
- Market Coordination and Connected with market
- Future analysis and planning for more growth
- Learn new technology for improve the operation part
- Learn new technology to upgrade business more and more digitally
- To expand business more analysis old reports and make suitable changes which needed

Q12) How many hours a day do you work on average and can you describe /outline your typical day ?
Continuous Thinking and my mind always focus and work 24 hours to expand and run the business more successfully. To run a business successfully always make designs and plan for a business in my mind first.
Q13) What is your greatest fear, and how do you manage fear ?
No, Fear. We always try to believe to do more work in less time by make planning and then do work according to technique. If more work you do in less time . Its
Save Money
Save Space
Save Time
Regular Improvement in operations.
Business Planning Process should not fail, only that fear in future.
Q14) What comes first for you money or emotions ?
Emotions first then Money. The money came and go, but emotions remain forever with u it’s a nature of a human being. My nature is peaceful, calm, spiritual, bold, and blunt. Gathering and crowd don’t like. Always believe to live in a different and silent way. Meditation is my biggest strength. And from meditate I keep my mind at one place where I am and give my best in that phase.
Q15) Tell us about your early life and how has being an entrepreneur affected your family life ?
When I am doing job not able to give time to family only work and work then office to home and home to office that much only.
After my own company, I manage my work according to my life and family. Freedom of time Management. No wastage of time not tied with knots, no time boundation. Able to manage work and time because time is so precious so everything will come again but the time gone its never come back so don’t waste time manage time.
“Now I am Be your own Boss Now”
What I want from my life I achieved in the form of “AUTOWAVES”
Q16) What piece of advice would you give to college graduates who want to become entrepreneurs ?
Firstly, identify your own analysis in which you have interest hobbies what you like feel good in doing according to your interest make their own USB first. In the crowd and public not move, move separately according to your own because every person have different qualities. So don’t copy and compare yourself with anyone. And enjoy life with work. Enjoyment and Live life both mandatory.
Keep Patience Always Because good things take time.
Think like Big
Follow Him @
Website | https://www.autowavessmartcard.com/ |
YouTube Channel | https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC-yPNsw_UdstFpPmIu8tHxQ |
Write To Him @ | autowaves@gmail.com |
StartoCure is the online entrepreneurial magazine platform, where the team brings you Interview & Stories of Entrepreneurs, Inspirations, Influencers, Startups eco-system & Change-makers. StaroCure also committed to bringing resources, research reports, funding reports, and analysis of the startups, as well as profiles of great businesses & entrepreneurs from all over the world.
Note: If you have a similar story to share with our audience and would like to be featured in our online magazine, then please write to us at hello@www.startocure.com, we will review your story and extend an invitation to feature if it is worth publishing.
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