Bhavana BP is the founder & chief empowerment officer (CEO) of Let Me Listen, an organization that empowering people to grow into their best. A Decade of corporate experience in various areas right from doing purely technical work to becoming an internal communications go-to person, with everything else in between.
Now as a Solopreneur, she empowers people to grow into their best! Her purpose in life is very clear which is“3 I” (Inspire, Influence, and Impact). As someone who believes communication is one of the biggest game-changers especially in the digital space, she has marched into personal branding, content creation, and the space of podcasts, video making, and social media marketing.
She is the author of her Memoir titled ‘A Daughter’s First Love: Dad’ which is available globally in paperback & e-book format. She also helps others find their voice through their books. Today we got a chance to interview her, let’s know more about her.

We hope this can inspire you to become a successful person too! It is worth listening to a successful entrepreneur or to people who share their success stories? We can significantly learn many things from the experiences of them, by listening to their story.
Excerpts from our exclusive interview with her:
Q1) Tell us a little bit about your start-up and your journey, please;
We always have a choice. A choice to become our best. This best version is reached through personal development or self-improvement. And I opine, we become our best only when we work on all three – Mind, Body & Soul – To be in sync. This calls for tremendous inner work. I realized, that while it may be true in a certain few cases where one can travel through the Mind-Body-Soul path all by themselves, it may not be the case with most. It is said, oftentimes when we lose our own spark, we need someone who has traveled through that journey, to kindle the spark in us. This is where a coach comes into the picture.
As a Coach and Mentor, I empower people to become their best version – Mind, Body & Soul. Honestly, it has been an arduous journey for me and I consider it my purpose to help people travel theirs in reaching their best, in the most efficient manner.
I guide people in breaking their shackles that are holding them from being their best and allow their souls to spread the light & warmth from within. After all, ‘Uncertainty is the only certain thing!’
My venture as a Solopreneur, Let Me Listen has had a humble beginning and has been achieving many milestones the past year – From collaborating with the global tribe to being recognized as a thought leader, creating content in the form of Webinars, Podcasts, Public speaking, YouTube & writing to writing a book. I believe we are never truly sorted. Life happens! And we sort things as they come by.
Q2) How did the idea for your business/startup come about?
Like everyone else, I have had my share of ups and downs and have overcome several hurdles in my life. These events shattered me and at the same time brought tremendous growth. It’s during our low periods when we fight our toughest battles. We are all warriors in our own way. The lean times come with their own set of lessons. It takes a keen eye and a positive mindset in order to change.
My Soul Journey was a series of incidents that happened one after the other. Before I could even recover from one, there was yet another blow to my heart. The first loss was leaving my job which brought a financial setback and a roadblock to my career, as well as a keen blow to my confidence. I felt that all of my effort & time was for nothing. The second loss was when a deep soul connection drifted away from me at the closure of a friendship. The third loss was at the time of my father’s demise. These incidents left me in emotional turmoil. These events shattered me and at the same time brought tremendous growth. It was like my father was sending me a message: “Remember who you are.” I started to contemplate the positive side and learn from these lessons. I also learned to forgive and let go. Above all, it taught me who I truly am and that no matter what, to never stop loving and to be grateful for all that I have. It taught me that ‘We can’t control the world but can control how we respond to it’.
Q3) What was your key driving force to become an entrepreneur?
I love to see people grow. It has always filled me with fulfillment and has provided a direction to life. It has been the case since the time I was a kid when many would come to me with their issues and I would do all I could to guide them resolve them.
After deep soul searching I learned the innate need for people to be heard and thereby understood my purpose was to help others grow. That’s how Let Me Listen came into being. This calling is in alignment with my purpose and values. That is what drives me. Let Me Listen is driven by its Vision and Mission – Vision to Inspire, Influence & Impact and Mission to Connect, Collaborate & Create.
Let Me Listen allows me to help others in realizing their full potential and helps them reach heights.

Q4) How did you come up with the name for your business/startup?
We as humans have this innate need to be heard. That’s who we are deep inside. When one sets out to empower others to grow, trust becomes an imperative factor. And trust is gained through actions and communication. A key aspect of communication is listening.
I realized that people want a safe & non-judgemental space to be heard and I can provide that environment that is conducive for progress. That is when I felt Let Me Listen is the best-suited name for my coaching services.
Q5) What service(s) or product(s) do you offer/manufacture?
We become our best only when we work on all three – Mind, Body & Soul – To be in sync. Let Me Listen offers several services that entail Mind, Body and Soul.
Mind – A positive mindset does not come easily, especially when you have had several blows to your heart. The ability to keep going and not just want to crawl back in bed comes from a shift in one’s mindset. This is what gives us energy and access to our power! Some of the services one can avail of are self-improvement, career growth, and book coaching.
Body – The biggest asset we have is our physical body. There is no wealth without our health. Achieving the ideal weight, staying healthy, and having the right tools in order to de-stress is paramount. Some of the services one can avail of are Pranayama, Mudra, and Meditation.
Soul – What we do when we are in tough situations differentiates us from the rest. Overcoming situations of financial loss, relational upheaval, and personal grief can feel impossible. Finding a way to your own inner peace makes life worth living. Some of the services one can avail of our emotional wellbeing, relationship wellbeing, and gaining clarity in life.
Q6) Why should people choose your product/services?
I hold purpose, values & passions are the driving force behind people. Mine is to grow by helping each other grow. I gather, we either learn from our own experiences or others’ and therefore, it is true we are all connected and together we grow.
My niche is Mind-Body-Soul (MBS) wellness. Sooner or later you’ll realize that without MBS in sync, you will always feel unfulfilled. I have been through more than one huge life transformation and have learned lessons. My beauty lies in those lessons – My inner work. I could help you with yours.
Q7) How do you market your business, and which tactics have been most successful?
I have been following my heart in helping others see light within themselves. I have only relied on organic growth and that is paying me off. LinkedIn has been my primary platform to reach out to people who resonate with my content. The other ways people reach me are through Facebook and Instagram. WhatsApp and word of mouth have helped quite a lot too.
The content is always read by those who need to hear your message and that’s how the Universe works.
Q8) What risks are you facing?
There are always risks in running a business. Mine is not being able to meet people in person. Although going digital has helped loads, certain coaching methods require in-person meetings to be carried out effectively. Also, the energy one exudes in person is a different thing altogether.
Q9) Did pandemic (COVID 19) affected your business? if yes how?
Pandemic didn’t really affect my business. In fact, people preferred online coaching sessions and also Webinars from the comfort of their homes. The only thing that I missed during the Pandemic was the in-person business meetings and speaking engagements.

Q10) Have you considered any alliance/partnership/funding?
I am happy with my venture driven by my purpose and values. I haven’t given funding a thought at the moment.
Collaborations are an entirely different ballgame and I would like it and also encourage like-minded and like-hearted people to come together to create what is in the best interest of the larger group.
Q11) What are your responsibilities as the business owner?
Little Did I Know back in 2018 that I’d run a business of my own so soon that I always wanted to. From a work-life of doing as asked and getting paid on time to doing what I love and learning to generate income was worlds apart.
I must admit, the path is long and daunting at all levels – Physical, emotional, psychological, financial and spiritual and yet in a lot of ways, the most rewarding.
It is about finding the best possible way of connecting, collaborating and contributing to lives so as to add value.
As a Solopreneur, I get to strategize, break that down into smaller, doable plans, add goals, execute them, be fluid with respect to time, effort & decisions, show exemplary optimism & resilience, ideate, create, nurture and allow thoughts to grow into something tangible. Some salient responsibilities are listed below:
Getting Out Of Comfort Zone
Fluid Decision Making
Generate Profitable Income
Collaborating With Global Thought Leaders
Ensuring Trust, Clarity and a Safe Space for Sharing
Create & Execute Strategies
Application of my Transferable Skills
Learning New Concepts, Technologies and Applying Them To Scale Up
Q12) How many hours a day do you work on average & can you describe/outline your typical day?
Once you step into entrepreneurship, either you see life as there are no weekends or that each day is one! There’s no in-between. And that is because the passion keeps the fire inside burning bright that I do not feel I am working per say, it is what keeps me going from one high to another.
My day starts with setting intentions for the day. Typically my working hours in a day are about 9-10 hours which I divide into coaching, writing, up-skilling, reading, and journaling.
Q13) What is your greatest fear, and how do you manage fear?
I must say, this is an excellent question. As humans we always fear the uncertain. That way, everything in life could be scary.
I had my own monsters to slay and I did it gradually over a period of time. I allowed it to surface so that I saw it eye to eye. I understood that fears dwell until we are aware of them. Fears are good, I’d say! Coming face to face with fears help us gain details about the root cause of the fear. Life is but unpredictable. But of what use is a fighter jet if it doesn’t take to the skies? Our mind plays games and yet our heart knows what needs to be done. Strategize, decide, execute, and go with the flow is what I learned through my own journey.
Q14) What comes first for you money or emotions?
I would always choose people and emotions over anything else!
Money is energy. It comes, it goes and it comes back again. What stays is trust and relationships between people.

Q15) Tell us about your early life & How has being an entrepreneur affected your family life?
I’ve been on a spiritual path most of my life. It all started when my dad initiated me into it as a kid. I’ve spent a lot of my life discussing ordinary, extraordinary & mystical; while also experiencing profound happenings. This has led me to believe in myself, the workings of the Universe & tread on the path to understand the Absolute Truth. My dad has had a deep impact on me and shaped me the way I am.
With ample experience in various domains and at different capacities in the corporate world, I can get to the depths of understanding what people really want in this seemingly complicated life. This is why I empower my clients to live a holistic life by integrating their Mind, Body, and Soul.
I learned to set healthy boundaries, both personally and professionally. I began spending more time with my loved ones. I journaled and began to see the bigger picture and how all things happen for good. I started to contemplate the positive side and learn from these lessons. I also learned to forgive and let go. These lessons have put me on track in terms of managing myself, my expectations, time, and also accommodate life into my work for a truly fluid and purposeful living.
Q16) What piece of advice would you give to college graduates who want to become entrepreneurs??
Each person has a different idea for entrepreneurship. The first thing that we need to look at is what society really needs? How can an entrepreneur help people at large? Ideas & actions follow that.
The thought process of an entrepreneur should be that of optimism & resilience, to say the least. Other things that come into the picture are fluid thinking, risk-taking, looking at the bigger picture & going with the flow. Last but not the least; equip yourself with skills and knowledge of what is much needed in your area of work and always be open to learning.
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