Karen Mistry is the handwriting & signature analyst. She has always been an enthusiast learner and loves learning things. As a kid, she loved art and craft and dancing, as she grew up found her joy in learning languages & she first learned French as part of her college curriculum and pursued her language studies further.
Further, She learned a few more and today she speak Hindi, English, French, Marathi, Gujarati, Mandarin and currently learning Spanish
It’s been 2 years since she works as a French language expert. She happened to learn Graphology a while ago.

She enjoyed doing the analysis for her friends and colleagues at work and it really made her smile when they benefitted from the analysis. Lockdown gave her the opportunity to start doing it for a larger audience and she simply created an Instagram page. And in no time, in a span of 2 months, she had crossed 100+ clients.
She is doing handwriting and signature analysis along with a full time job. Today we got a chance interview her, let’s know more about her & how she converted her passion into profession.
We hope this can inspire you to become a successful person too! It is worth listening to a successful entrepreneur or to people who share their success stories? We can significantly learn many things from the experiences of them, by listening to their story.
Excerpts from our exclusive interview with her:
Q1) Kindly introduce yourself to our readers.
Hello. My name is Karen Mistry. I am 23 years old. I am a Graphologist and I also work as a French language expert.
Q2) So for our readers can you please elaborate on what is exactly ‘Graphology/ handwriting analysis’?
Graphology determines the personality traits and characteristics of an individual through handwriting patterns. The practice of graphology is basically interpreting your handwriting style, the shape and size of letters, motif, pattern, connected or disconnected handwriting, the way, and style your handwriting is. Even if you write three to four words on a piece of paper, those three or four words would be enough to figure out around a hundred different things about you and your personality.

Q3) Has handwriting analysis helped you on a personal level? If yes, how?
While learning Graphology, I did not just learn the art of handwriting & signature analysis but I learned a lot about who I actually am, my strengths, my shortcomings, and I came out as a completely transformed and positive person.
Q4) We’ve seen you’ve worked with a lot of celebrity clientele. How was your experience with them? what measures do you keep in mind while approaching them?
Yes. I have worked with the cast of the Indian Matchmaking Show. It was a very enriching and fulfilling experience. They appreciated the analysis quite a lot. There are a lot of things that need to be taken care of in an analysis. Confidentiality is my foremost priority.

Q5) Being a female entrepreneur has a sense of empowerment and responsibility on its own; what do you feel about that?
Being a female entrepreneur and managing a full-time job side by side gets pretty exhausting sometimes but this experience has been so rewarding that all the hard work was worth it. I am very passionate about my Graphology and nothing feels better than the kind and appreciative words of my clientele.
Q6) What message would you like to give our young babes who are trying to start something of their own?
To all the girls out there looking for a sign to begin their entrepreneurial journey, I would like to say to them that don’t hesitate or doubt yourself.
We all can pursue our passion through social media which doesn’t take a lot of investment, the only thing that one will have to invest in is their time, efforts, dedication, and a ton of courage. There are always going to be people including your own friends and family, who will mock you, judge you but you should keep following your passion regardless of what others think.

Follow Her @
Website | https://karenmistry.com |
LinkedIn Handle | https://www.linkedin.com/in/karen-mistry-014512ba |
Instagram Handle | https://instagram.com/karen_mistry?igshid=1qrwjrckkdcgn |
Facebook Handle | https://www.facebook.com/karen.mistry.1 |
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