Saket Singhi is the founder of two firms, one is the JVS Group & another one is Quick eSelling. JVS Group, founded in 1992 in New York, USA has been enabling Physicians around the globe to manage their Electronic Medical Records (EMRs). JVS Group provides an advanced suite of intelligent, integrated, and intuitive software solutions to the physicians assisting them in their primary process of healthcare facilities.
Quick eSelling gives every retailer the power to organically grow sales figures, retain and engage customers by promising an extraordinary mobile shopping experience. Today we got a chance to interview him, Let’s know more about him & his journey.

We hope this can inspire you to become a successful person too! It is worth listening to a successful entrepreneur or to people who share their success stories? We can significantly learn many things from the experiences of them, by listening to their story.
Excerpts from our exclusive interview with him:
Q1) Tell us a little bit about your startup and your journey, please.
We founded SoftClinic 18 years ago when healthcare technology was yet to become a structured industry, and IT was severely concentrated around services in India. We were one of the very few product-based companies. And our goal was to make healthcare operations more efficient, given that they had a direct impact on people’s lives.
Over this entire tenure, we have witnessed exceptional growth in our operations, largely attributable to the vote of confidence from our customers, the culture at our organization, and our consistently performing human capital.
Q2) How did the idea for your business/startup come about?
I have always been fascinated by technology. Rather than look at IT as an industry, I perceived it as a tool for solving problems. Our varied set of products would second that perception. I looked at two key problems in two distinct markets – the IT market was entirely focused on services, so being among the few product-based companies was an exciting opportunity.
And I saw the lack of an organized segment in India’s healthcare IT industry, which was still a segment in its nascent stages. So, I simply used the tool and brought both the opportunities together.
Q3) What was your key driving force to become an entrepreneur?
Back then, entrepreneurship was not as popularly celebrated in India as it is today. Venture capitalists, growth equity & angel investors, dedicated media, and the startup ecosystem were largely missing or present in an ineffective size.
So, my entire drive was to solve a problem in healthcare using the technical skills I had. At that point, I was entirely focused on solving the operations’ inefficiencies at the healthcare institutions in India. Before I knew, we already had the company running and a roadmap ahead of us.

Q4) How did you come up with the name for your business/startup?
Honestly, we did not spend a lot of time branding our business. We knew that if we focused on innovation that solved real problems and created a working-culture that focused on growth, whatever we call our business would elicit the same response from our customers and associates.
We wanted our work and our customers to be the proponents of our brand. So, we looked at the software and the healthcare industry. From there, coining ‘SoftClinic Hospital Software‘ was not that difficult!
Q5) What service(s) or product(s) do you offer/manufacture?
We offer a large portfolio of products under the umbrella of healthcare IT. SoftClinic is the core technology that empowers hospitals to run efficient operations. SoftCath caters to the very specific scientific data reporting & analytic requirements of cardiac cath labs.
JVS DiComPlus is the world’s first external and portable hard-drive with DICOM software and viewing capabilities allowing interventional cardiologists’ to carry over 5000 reference cases on the go. We have more offerings like OncoSoft for Oncology specialty that would further augment the value proposition of our entire platform of technologies.
Also, we offer solutions in the eCommerce domain, Quick eSelling is India’s leading eCommerce store builder that comes at zero capital investment to global retailers.
Q6) Why should people choose your product/services?
For the simple reason that it is designed to do exactly what they want from it. SoftClinic hospital management software is used across 45 countries by over 21,000 physicians. We have processed billings north of $15 billion to date. More than anything else, we have touched and improved the lives of over 5 million patients globally.
We have taken our entire reach and transformed it into a feedback and insight mining mechanism. We are consistently observing what will further empower our customers and help them be more efficient at their jobs in both absolute and relative senses. If that is something you want to do and want a reliable solution, I believe our platform is just what you are looking for.
Q7) How do you market your business, and which tactics have been most successful?
So far, most of our growth has come at the behest of our customers acting as our brand ambassadors. That is what happens when you put your customer at the center of your operations, R&D, and marketing. We never had to push our product in popular media. Our customers would get to know about it with recommendations.
Our ground-level sales and the marketing team have done a phenomenal job to capitalize on this organic growth and convert it into an optimized strategy designed for expansion and quality services. We plan to continue on that trajectory for the near future.

Q8) What risks are you facing?
Like all businesses that innovate or lead their respective markets in a particular segment, we too face risks. We are always at work to match our innovations with our customers’ exact needs, including the lateral and the more obvious ones. Sure, there are risks like competition, changing technology, and consumer behavior, but we tend to look at them as the function of how well we are running our operations.
As far as we have a tight ship, we know where we are headed and how we plan to get there, along with having our eyes & ears open to learn & adapt, we believe the external risks will get mitigated automatically.
Q9) Did pandemic (COVID 19) affect your business? If yes, how?
We are a technology company with a focus on healthcare. So, the immediate effect we observed was the exponentially increased activity and complexity at our customers’ operations. We directly reached out to quite a few of them and inquired how to make changes to the platform and accommodate their updated needs. To our surprise, in many instances, our platform was already helping them perform at efficient levels and respond quickly to the changing dynamics. Our telemedicine solution helped our customers even before the pandemic, and it turned out to be a great tool during the pandemic.
A particular effect was on the health & safety of our operations. We immediately took the necessary steps to ensure none of our employees were at risk. And those who got intertwined in the pandemic were immediately taken care of. So, the pandemic did test the resilience in our operations. But, given the way our team has pulled it together and managed to bring us out into a healthier state, we couldn’t have been prouder of their work and our customers’ direct contributions to save lives.
Q10) Have you considered any alliance/partnership/funding?
We have sufficient internal resources to expand in every direction we set our eyes on. On top of that, we have a very rigorous but adaptive set of standards that consistently help us do our best work. This has helped us chart our path and grow organically. In the recent past, we have had associations with industry incumbents on a global scale.
So, as far as the other side can perform with our value system, we are always accommodative to potential collaborations that can simplify our customers’ lives.
Q11) What are your responsibilities as a business owner?
I have never looked at myself as a business owner. By definition, that can make one feel like the majority shareholder and turn the entire focus to short-termism. My key responsibilities are quite clear – setting the company’s vision and empowering my colleagues to achieve it with me. So, there is a directive responsibility and a problem-solving responsibility.
Q12) How many hours a day do you work on average & can you describe/outline your typical day?
No one at JVS operates that way. We have never decided on ‘mandatory facetime in the office’ or minimum work-hours in a week. All of us clearly understand our responsibilities and priorities. Once that exercise is done, we just have to start the day and perform better than yesterday.
My schedule is quite dynamic. We have a presence in 45 countries, so there is no fixed structure to respond to each market. I am available whenever and wherever my team needs me. On a more granular scale, I wake up quite early in the morning and go for a workout. It helps me get the edge on the day and organize my thoughts early in the morning. In the last few years, I have made a note to spend more time with my family wherever possible. Spending time with my family, especially my kid, actually rejuvenates me and prepares me for another eternity of work.
So, in essence, my days revolve around responsibilities and priorities, not a schedule.

Q13) What is your greatest fear, and how do you manage fear?
My biggest fear is getting complacent. The work we do at SoftClinic directly impacts general people’s lives through our end users, who are healthcare providers. We see ourselves as the catalysts of healthcare, helping hospitals and facilities cater to more patients with lesser resources.
So, I fear that someday we might look at our customer-base, global presence, scale of our operations, and feel complacent about it. I do not see that day coming and make sure that we are not settling for anything beneath our aims.
The other fear I have is about my family in the office and at home. I would never want them to face a moment of unnecessary discomfort. So, most of the time, I am trying to prepare them for what lays ahead, equipping them with tools & resources to face it, and standing with them to take care of it. I think that is the only way one can deal with fear –acknowledge it, address it, and act in a manner that helps you resolve it.
I would also say that having an extensive focus on our customers and mission has kept me from delving further into these fears. When I end my day, I am aware of what we achieved today and what we stand to achieve tomorrow. As far as one can go to sleep with that thought, no fear would be big enough to shudder you.
Q14) What comes first for you – money or emotions?
I don’t think those are the only two options. There has to be a purpose you want to achieve and a set of principles that position you to achieve it. So, on any given day, I would opt for my purpose and principles over these two.
However, we are not machines, and we do have emotions. Instead of regulating my emotional state, I introspect. I have consciously ensured that my work and my emotions are not correlated. Whatever is happening in my mind emotionally will never get reflected in my work. That is what defines a professional – you take care of your duties, no matter what gets in your way.
But, it is important to acknowledge your emotions and understand their source. That can help most of us identify and filter biases that often cast a shadow on our decisions.
As far as money is concerned – I am quite clear that it will always remain a by-product of what I do as a professional. Besides that, I understand that money and happiness do not go hand in hand for long. There is a theoretical limit beyond which money cannot yield any more happiness. I derive my happiness from my family’s welfare, growth as a company, and my work as an individual.
Q15) Tell us about your early life & How has been an entrepreneur affected your family life?
I was born in Rajasthan. With time, my family shifted to the United States. So, I got to experience school in a developed economy and got to play with computers in the ’80s. With more time in the West, my family and I started missing what we had in India. So, we returned here, and I finished my graduation and master’s in business administration from Sukhadia University.
That is largely what I have in my personal story. My parents worked hard and were setting examples for me. Hence, in terms of work, I followed their lead.
Being an entrepreneur is different from a job because you do not work on a schedule. There is always a fire waiting for you to put it out. Yes, there are exponential rewards – you get to build something, and you get to experience financial security later on. But both of those things happen much later in the process. Till you get there, you are giving up on the smaller things in life every day.
The purpose is fulfilling, but we have to align our personal lives with our professional ambitions. That is why spending quality time with my family regularly has become one of my key drivers.
Q16) What piece of advice would you give to college graduates who want to become entrepreneurs?
Entrepreneurial journeys often get branded with one protagonist’s name. But every Steve Jobs needs a Wozniak, a Jony I’ve, and a band of other team members to achieve greater than the sum of individual contributions.
Invest in building a great team early in your journey, and you will reap the rewards later. Whenever possible, hire the experts and give them the resources to do the job. And more than anything else – dream big and put in the work to make it a reality.
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