Sandeep N. Setty is a Top financial advisor & best LIC agent offering a fresh, knowledgeable vision backed by years of expertise in financial plans & efficient strategies for your family’s economic future.
His experience says that Affluent hires him by replacing existing financial advisor & life insurance advisor because they have amazed huge wealth & they feel that they need an advisor who understands their complexity of family financial affairs. This is the case with his existing 80% of customer’s case. Today we got a chance to interview him; let’s know more about him & learn from his experiences.

We hope this can inspire you to become a successful person too! It is worth listening to a successful entrepreneur or to people who share their success stories? We can significantly learn many things from the experiences of them, by listening to their story.
Excerpts from our exclusive interview with him:
Q1) Tell us a little bit about your start-up and your journey, please;
Hi, I am Sandeep N. Setty, a financial advisor, & helps business owners get financial freedom over the next three to seven years. I started this entrepreneurial journey to provide long-lasting wealth & help the business owners provide the lifestyle to their families that they have always wanted and causes they care for.
Q2) How did the idea for your business/startup come about?
I have seen business owners churning into the traditional route of earning money & making a good amount of finances with innovative techniques. However, nobody seems to work on their personal finances. A few business people do not have to opt for current LIC agents or financial advisors who will guide them to manage personal finances. To eliminate the complexities associated with business & personal finances,
I have managed to provide the right insurance tools to help business owners & affluent families leverage their wealth. I have overcome the financial myths & worked on building my wealth.
Q3) What was your key driving force to become an entrepreneur?
I realized that most of the business owners think insurance to be an expense. I wanted to show them that insurance policies work as a lifetime investment by managing personal & business finances.
The wealth generation idea & the modern paradigm in the insurance sector provided by me will help you unleash your cash flow & build a generous retirement plan. Moreover, I have worked on modern insurance concepts & techniques to offer tailor-made wealth plans to the families & business owners who will work as a legacy builder.
Q4) What services do you provide?
I provide unique financial services by using advanced tools to keep track of my clients. If I notice a considerable change in the income/lifestyle of my clients, I advise them with the right servicing policies. Personalized insurance services are his unique trait. I make sure that these plans are in the best interest of the business owners. The expertise area I deals with includes
- Estate planning
- Legacy Planning
- Income Planning
- Cash flow optimization
- Education Planning
- Retirement planning,
- Life Insurance,
- Business Insurance
- Income protection.
To articulate my knowledge to multi-dimensional aspects of business owners and affluent family’s financial affairs takes time because I masterfully showcase my expertise in small sound bites as per the conversation and need of the client priority. I would love to share my knowledge and share case studies throughout the highs and lows of your financial journey.

Q5) Why do you think the affluent replace their current advisors?
The dissatisfaction and complexities to poorly handle the financial stuff make the affluent or business owners fire their current advisors. Once they accumulated enough assets, they look for a top financial advisor, possessing the knowledge and professionalism to oversee the complexity of the multi-dimensional aspects of an affluent client.
Being an entrepreneur myself, having handled the restaurant business, and then came up with the modern insurance concepts and cash flow management tricks. I share many case studies with business owners and affluent on how to grow, preserve, and distribute income across multi-generation while building a meaningful legacy. Here, the wealthy or business owners can trust my financial planning programs and personalized insurance products, and cash flow methods to help them make a shift towards building a great legacy.
Q6) How do you market your business, and which tactics have been most successful?
I try to stand in my client’s shoes & think from their perspective that what they want out of this whole wealth generation plan. The feedback from my clients also helps me to improve my personal brand’s value. Mostly my clients come from the recommendation of my existing client
Q7) Did pandemic (COVID 19) affected your client business? If yes how?
The pandemic has made the economy very badly. In a recent survey, 66% of people felt their income has reduced due to the Pandemic in Bangalore city & 25% of business never opens after the pandemic but our responsibilities to our family have not changed, still, we need to provide the same lifestyle necessities. The kind of food they eat, the kind of clothes they wear, the kind of home where they live is dependent upon one variable called INCOME.
Every tree has roots. The strength of the tree depends upon the strength of its roots. Your roots are your income & your trees are your assets. You are the root, and your family is the source of inspiration.
My business owner & affluent clients are worried that it will take a long time to recover their profits/income. The problem with them is personal wealth & business wealth is combined. That means, everything they have is in business. A lot of my wealthy clients have 100% or related wealth in business.
If their business fails, they fail personally too. You need to isolate personal & business wealth. I know your business requires more money than ever in this pandemic & you can’t keep business starving for cash. Please, remember carefully, your business is a separate unit & your family is a separate unit & your family is a separate unit. Don’t sacrifice your family for business. You just need to learn, how to keep them separate. If your business fails, it is ok. The Government is offering cheap loans, interest waivers, tax breaks, & bankruptcy codes. If the family fails, will never support you again for your next business. It affects your family.
I am spending a lot of time with existing clients & prospects in advising them to keep liquidity for family & business rather than investing. Protecting their family wealth in secured financial products where no creditor can touch it.

Q8) How many hours a day do you work on average & can you describe/outline your typical day?
Working hours do not matter to me as doing business, & helping business owners and the affluent generate wealth is my life’s calling. This is what I have been working on all these years to enjoy a great life.
Q9) What is your greatest fear, and how do you manage fear?
Anger! Anger is my greatest fear, I often ask myself: what will I get if get angry? The first answer is that my health will suffer. I try to resolve issues without getting angry & trying to control my anger.
Q10) Tell us about your early life & How has being an entrepreneur affected your family life?
Yes, it has affected my family life a lot. I was initially carrying my professional life stress into my personal life. As I matured, I get to understand that personal life is like a root & business is like a tree. As long as personal life is strong, even if one’s business fails, it is still possible to start another business with family support. If your personal life fails, your business inevitably fails gradually. I started spending more time with my family & now I am running a successful business with much more stable emotions.

Q11) What piece of advice would you give to people?
- Don’t lose money. Always get your investments back at the earliest.
- Invest in yourself before investing in any business or investments.
- Don’t ever use short term funds for long-term assets to avoid cash flow issues.
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