Sargun Bedi Jain is the founder of Lucid Mind, a provider of Psychological Counseling, Employee Well-Being Programmes & Transformational Coaching. She is an Author, Counseling Psychologist, Behavioural Trainer, Powerleap Coach, Professional Speaker & Creative Writer. With her niche in advanced counseling skills and therapeutic interventions, she aims to help people reach their balancing mechanisms and unravel their potential that is hidden behind the window of pain, confusion & regret. Today we got a chance to interview her, Let’s know more about her.

We hope this can inspire you to become a successful person too! It is worth listening to a successful entrepreneur or to people who share their success stories? We can significantly learn many things from the experiences of them, by listening to their story.
Excerpts from our exclusive interview with her:
Q1) Tell us a bit about yourself and your journey as an entrepreneur?
This journey has been a total roller coaster ride. after my schooling at Ryan international, I immediately knew I wanted to do psychology, so got myself admission to Delhi University. With every passing day, statistics as a subject kept haunting me and I somehow quit before the examinations out of fear. before the next academic year, I had a few months in hand wherein I explored a student job for a while until I took re-admission in another college of DU. In my graduation days, I couldn’t get rid of psychology from my mind.
Three years of graduation were really productive for me. I kept participating in every college opportunity while building my PR and networking skills. I won various poetry and cultural competitions. I realized my interest in literature was high. I started compiling my poems with a vision to get them published at some point. However, psychology as a subject matter was still close to me. By the end of the third year, all I wanted was to get back to that subject. I immediately applied to one of the prestigious universities in north-east England, ‘Northumbria University’. Another dream that I wanted to fulfill; to be on my own, learn on my own and explore an international environment for my growth.
Since then, there was no looking back. I knew this was the time, I had all that I wanted to do in life. Learn more and more on this subject and become a counseling psychologist. The fear of statistics remained until I cracked my exam with among the top scores of 96 and there I was, breaking all the mental barriers to test myself. That day I realized, all I needed was a nourishing environment, the right mentors to nudge me through my limits. sometimes, I feel, had I not got that opportunity, I wonder where would I have been.
With volunteering opportunities and building on my research skills abroad, I knew after getting back to India, I would want to polish my skills further wherein Indian context could be taken into account. Here, I joined a pg diploma in counseling psychology. That learning was incredibly amazing. With deep dive into psychological counseling (such a misunderstood concept in our society still) and interning & working opportunities in prestigious organizations such as max hospital, metro hospital, ipssr and amity university, my last employer, I have upgraded myself for the better only.
Today it’s more than 2 years to my successful entrepreneurial journey as an independent practitioner and counseling psychologist in the brand name of Lucid Mind (strengthening souls), my own counseling corner. it’s been over 8 years to my professional arena and I only see growth. Learning is never-ending, with rising trends and the latest researches, you cannot just sit back and rejoice in your traditional learning. So, I proudly call myself a learner.

I grow seeing my clients grow. I upgrade because I know my clients would benefit. what keeps me strong here is my clients. In the entrepreneurial realm, keeping oneself upscaled really makes a difference. Client appreciation, feedback, and alliance are my reassurances to continue growing Lucid Mind in all forms. As a passionate individual, I have always aimed to deliver authentic counseling and therapeutic services.
I recently also got into the field of life coaching and it is amazing to see how coaching, a diversified field can give so much. One of my mentors once said every field is saturated, if you go by the number of people in the field, you would see yourself in the last row, so what is really needed is to be focused on your plans and dreams. There is no stopping to delivering genuinely. The rocky ridge is a part of the journey, but should that be a barrier? Creating a headstrong mindset was my aim before I got into the field of entrepreneurship from a job seeker’s mindset.
I was Awarded as a smart psychologist 2019 at women an entrepreneurial platform, Magicka, and engaging in various keynotes and delivering workshops, has exhilarated my pace. After the pandemic hit us all, just at the very moment I was at an exhilarating point of my business journey. However, learned from one of my mentors Sam Cawthorn, to bounce forward & that’s what I did. With Lucid Mind’s successful sale, I introduced an Employee Wellbeing Workbook which was downloaded in more than 1500+ corporate firms as an engagement guide and practical tools and tips for people to manage the crisis well.
I first authored a poetry book named ‘life – a mixed state’ for which I was compiling my work throughout and it was released in 2015. Since then I wanted to write more. Covid times gave me that exact opportunity to come out with my own story of teenage struggle named, from ‘Pain to Purpose’, in one of amazon’s no. 1 best seller ‘revive & thrive’ as a co-author. I feel liberated and excited to share that we all have our pain points and you never know when our struggles and battles become a rising hope for someone somewhere in the world.
No matter what professional attire you are in, don’t forget you are a human first with universal emotions and feelings. It’s okay to let yourself out and feel successful at the same time, personally, professionally, socially. Currently, apart from my counseling, coaching services, and professional speaking engagements, I am also associated with two international book projects named ‘Make @ Difference’ and ‘Garden of Love’ that is launching very soon. Not only I have been able to contribute my poems to them but also diligently been a part of one of its management teams. So, you see growth is everywhere. You have to enable yourself to envision it and sense it right.
Q2) Why did you choose entrepreneurship over a job?
While growing amidst the professional journey, I always knew my aim was to make a difference and impact the lives of people who were touched by self-doubt, inner critic, and social pressures. My objective was to facilitate more and more people in reaching their balancing mechanisms whilst unraveling their potential that was hidden behind the window of pain, confusion, and regret. I knew there was a time I would switch to being on my own, not relying on jobs. for me, more than a consistent salary, it was important to make meaning out of what I was delivering.
Growing up reading success stories and understanding through my subject matter and my own teenage, the value of personal struggles is I believe a turning point to never-ending success. outreach being my focus, I knew a 9 to 5 job was stealing that dynamism that I could use effectively. it takes a lot of courage, focus, planning, strategizing perseverance, hard work, combined with a willingness and execution skills. thanks to my mother, my husband, my business coach, Hotel, and my mentors who actually added to my vision of real-time counseling. They inspired me in million unsaid ways to start this journey in the right spirit and hope.

Q3) What are the challenges that you have faced or are facing?
I would like to rephrase your question here. Allow me to replace the word ‘Challenges’ with ‘Obstacles’. My experience in the entrepreneurial realm has taught me that challenges are good; challenges are healthy and challenges must come.
Without challenges, your growth is difficult to determine because those are the testing times. As far as obstacles are concerned, oh yes like many others, I have had various obstacles in the business run.
From trusting people for business alliances to making choices that cost me a lot in monetary terms but above all with my time. If I had a time machine, I’d go back and re-start this journey a little earlier than now. However, blessed is the feeling that I was never rejected in any job interview, and maybe that helped me in a lot of ways. I took it as a challenge, knowing I am on my own pitching around, expanding my base and that it is going to be different from a job done for someone else. So, in terms of challenges, I have learned to outgrow the obstacles by working on my self-limiting beliefs. someone rightly said, business acumen is the road to excellence in this journey.
However, I believe more than that developing the right attitude and inculcating the shift in mindset are the first two steps in overcoming obstacles. With one of my previous experiences in corporate behavioural training as well as my sound hold in academic presentations, I always wanted to have that aspect in my own venture apart from my niche in counselling. exploring the business dynamics to that made me realise what I learnt from one of my mentors that every industry is saturated, you got to make your own mark in your own way rather than looking at what the other is doing.
This is one key sentence to my thrive. my parents are from the service industry (retired now). If familial conditioning was to be the impression then I wouldn’t have been where I am today, however, their encouragement to believe in who I am and where I want to be is what has been my constant for determination and aspirations. My husband has his own established and well-settled business, seeing him was another push. I strongly believe that everything is a choice. Choosing to be encouraged or discouraged was at my discretion. I took the opportunity to venture into my field and related domains to make my name and I am glad I did. I also draw a lot of inspiration from various books on the perspective building.
Q4) How do you handle the pressure and manage stress?
When you do what you really love, the pressure and the stress become manageable. Emotions are emotions, whether positive or negative. they are bound to test you in every situation. Similarly, as an entrepreneur, pain is a part of the journey that has to be experienced and enjoyed. How you take it, like learning or suffering – that’s a choice you make. So, the pressure is definite when you are on your own. as a solopreneur, I believe you learn every day.
What went fantastic once might not prove the same another time. so being a little uncertain in terms of results is acceptable. However, what you shouldn’t be uncertain about is your will, dedication, and outcomes to keep yourself forward on the track, aligning yourself realistically, in terms of gains and setbacks. being a partner in one company to handling an independent brand name makes me stronger each day.

Q5) We are aware of all the good work you are doing in your space; what keeps you going?
My work does. I absolutely love what I do. I am a giver and that is what makes me authentically me. My clients above all, keep me going. Their appreciation, feedback, and trust in me keep me on my toes. Last but not the least, my family’s support and free space help me define my focus for they understand what this means to me. So, one’s passion for what one does and clients’ faith, I guess are the greatest sources of motivation that anyone can look for. A nice blend of strong intrinsic and extrinsic factors mark my emotionally, mentally, spiritually healthy gain.
Q6) What is your business mantra: money or emotions?
As a counseling psychologist, emotions are central to the theme of my business line. Commitment in the right spirit and ethics guides my emotional strive towards making a difference. Not that money is not important, but if that is your priority then compromises could take a front seat and ride you through. Experience has taught me that it is not that money can buy everything for you. You make money to follow you if you are truly driven, genuine, and passionate about what you do. Emotions play an important role in whether the money comes in question or not. They are the underlined feelings and thoughts one displays.
Q7) What has worked well for you so far?
It almost took about 8 years for me to make this move, to leave the job mindset, and get into my full-time business. What was needed were acceptance and perseverance and I have no regrets to ride the struggle of sharpening my edges. For me, the most important thing that has worked is my commitment to my own ideas and plans. Initially, I felt it was slow but it was supposed to be and that’s how I endure this journey. With so many opinions in the background, I made sure not to get carried away. I also took up business coaching while I was venturing out.
I came to a realization that that business coaching was more focused on making me tougher to run it, yet carry my qualities of empathy, positive regard, and genuineness with grace. Fortunately, the journey has been incredibly rewarding and challenging at the same time. I would say it has been brilliant so far and I have much more to achieve.

Q8) Describe the services that you offer to your customers and in what
the way they are unique
Lucid Mind, a service brand that offers a platform of soul searching and self-development in an empathetically valued zone. It is a premium, provider of Psychological Counselling, Employee Well-Being programs with engaging Learning & Development dynamics as well as Transformational Coaching packages. Through these specialized & experiential services, I aim to provide emotional assistance and community services to aid the growing challenges, the society is faced with. Lucid Mind works on the principle of ‘your happiness is you’.
The core of my services is to facilitate and equip individuals emotionally, mentally, physically, and spiritually. My organization is aimed at bridging the gap between The external work and inner wiring of the individuals & The aspirations of individuals seeking maximized productivity at personal as well as professional level. I believe my eclecticism is dynamically solution-focused, keeping the humanistic base stronger and analytical base sharper. Lucid Mind services helping people regain their healthy coping mechanisms in dealing with the challenges of everyday life
Q9) During this covid-19 crisis, what are the measures you have undertaken to continue your business without disruption?
When this pandemic had hit and the lockdown was being talked about, I was in Mumbai conducting a workshop for a corporate. I was to be there for a few more days to attend a mega event as well. Covid-19 was still being taken on a casual front. The day I got back to Delhi, the next thing I heard was lockdown everywhere. So, the covid crisis started on a note where I was still in a zone of accepting and feeling elated that Lucid Mind was picking up on its other domains/services as much as my professional counseling.
Every day started to look alike for me in the lockdown. I devoted myself completely to my work. Knowing that these challenging times are uncertain, I made sure to do my best in terms of personal branding, hiring, marketing & outreach, service discounts, virtual sessions. So cannot say that the response was 100%. However, my passion didn’t fail me when the business had a response of let’s say 40% initially.
This encouraged me to do more, finish up on the layout front, and further structuring things that were left as a result of procrastination earlier. Due to being restricted at home, I got more time for reading, constructive social media engagements, and at the same time, incorporating value-based models through various engagements such as speaking, podcasting, doing lives on social handles. Being a part of Speakers’ Tribe tremendously added to the gaps. Time certainly has been challenging but has got various opportunities to excel and endeavor.
However, maintaining time for family, health and fitness are always in an active mode. On the 10th of October’20, it was the World Mental Health Day, unlike last year when I was a panel at a big event, I thought it would be different this time. But then if you are working relentlessly for something, nothing can stop that calling. I was invited by Amity University to deliver my view on ‘Mental Resilience in Covid Era’. I made sure to deliver the best practical strategies to the students who carved their time to learning useful things.
Also, just yesterday, I delivered my first international talk on ‘Pain to Purpose’ virtually in Queensland, Australia and the kind of acceptance and appreciation I received makes it all worthwhile. As mentioned in one of the previous questions, I am associated and currently with two international book projects. One tip that I would like to give to all those who feel covid has been downtime, I want you all to ask yourself, have you upscaled yourself enough to be result-driven? Answer this to yourself and you would be able to fill the gaps.

Q10) In your opinion what are the keys to success? What advice would you give to someone starting out as an aspiring entrepreneur?
Success cannot be measured in terms of what car you drive, how many properties you own, how much money you have. For me, the first step to success is how much love you have gained, who fuels your energy, how valuable is your service for someone. Being an early riser to define success, I would rather say, if you are learning no matter what your age, you are successful. however, if I were to give a few key ideas on how you can walk on the path of success, I’d rather say
- If You Have Envisioned Something, Take Action, Just Move and Make It Happen
- Your Original Plan Will Always Work, While Modifications Might Come Along
- Accept Feedback with Grace, No Matter What It Is For.
- Knowledge & Creativity Are Never A Waste While Exploring Yourself In Different Domains. Eventually, You Will Only Enhance Your Insight.
- Believe and Perceive Are Two Different Words, Keep Them Separate.
- Assess Your Intent. Let Pain Be Your Power.
- Whatever You Want to Give Out To The World Make Sure You Start From Within.
- If You Feel You Need A Guiding Light, Get Coached.
- Accept Yourself in All Situations.
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